Saturday, January 20, 2007

Another Saturday in Genoa

If you think gas in the US is expensive, check this out. That price in Euros is for a liter of gas. It works out to about $5.50 per gallon.

Which is why you see cars like this - an old-school Mini (which is about half the size of the new ones).

And their are even smaller cars, such as this old Fiat.

Here is one of the numerous retaining walls what hold much of the city up. Many of the walls are the remains of old fortifications.

Apparently Italians truckers were protesting something today. An endless line of trucks filled the Via XX Septembre today, and all blared their horns for hours. Italians love to strike or protest. You see one about every other day. Apparently that 6.5-hour or so work day (and average of 8 weeks of vacation time per year) is just too much to handle.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Studio blog link.

If you look over to the right of the page here, there is a heading called "Links" with a link to our studio's website, where you can a see a lot more photos and articles we have had to write about Genoa and the other places we are going. So you all might want to check it out.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

More pictures from Genoa

The building in the center with the green-topped tower and green dome is San Lorenzo, Genoa's cathedral.

This is the Lanterna, Genoa's lighthouse. It is the oldest operating lighthouse in the world. It is also the tallest brick lighthouse in the world.

Here's an ascensore, one of a couple of elevators that makes getting from the city center to the villa much easier. It's .70 Euro per ride. Otherwise, it's about 20 minutes of walking up stairs.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


It was pretty cold and cloudy in Milan, hence the images are kind dark. But, in case you didn't know, if you click on any of the photos, a bigger version will open.

This was the first thing we saw when we got off the train in Milan. Interestingly enough, she is wearing more than most of the women you see on billboards in Italy.

The name of this store translated into "The Ideal Bathroom." Anyway, you can see Will and I in the mirror.

This is the Doumo (cathedral) of Milan. Unfortunately, it is getting its 10-year cleaning, and much of the facade is covered with scaffolding. The inside, though, was pretty impressive, and the duomo is much larger than it appears to be from the facade. I would venture to say that it may be almost twice the size of the Genoa cathedral.

This is the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. It's pretty much a mall filled with fancy-pants stores like Prada, Louis Vuitton, Swarovski, etc. After all, Milan is the style capital of the world.

And here I am in the Galleria.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Cattedrale di San Lorenzo

These are some photos I took of San Lorenzo, Genoa's cathedral. These are by far the best photos I've ever been able to take inside a building like this. The D70s kicked some butt here. From the outside, San Lorenzo is not the most beautiful, largest, or elaborate of the Italian cathedrals I've seen, but the interior is a pretty special place, as you can see below.

Friday, January 12, 2007

The Villa

The green building in the center is Clemson's villa in Genoa where I live and work.

Just for Jay.

Here you go.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

More Genoa photos.

Behind me is the port.

With me out of the way, the port is easier to see.

The city at dusk.

There's a lot of graffiti in Genoa (as in all European cities). This may be the most offensive I've yet seen- a brainless priest blessing us as a choirboy snorts coke.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Room with a view.

Here are a few quick photos taken out of my bedroom window.

Will kicking it old school in the bedroom.

Genoa at night from the villa's front balcony.